This workshop is designed to simulate an ACT class. Most ACT classes have a hands-on component and involve the exhibition of work. TA administrative tasks include marketing, budget management, and facilitating approvals. The hands-on and administrative elements are incorporated into the workshop. Emulating the structure and requirements of a course allows facilitators to introduce prospective TAs to the flow and needs of courses, identify potential issues, and discuss methods and resources for addressing issues.

The goals of the TA training course are the following:

1. To assist you in achieving your teaching, learning, and support objectives.
2. To clarify your expected role and duties as a TA and offer support that will help you to be successful in meeting these expectations.
3. To train you on ACT equipment and introduce you to ACT facilities so that you may support their safe and appropriate use.
4. To inform you about the administrative processes and resources supporting you.