1. Background

This self assessment aims to benchmark your water initiatives together with those of other CARE country initiatives in ways that can be useful to you and to progress CARE's sector issues internationally. The self-assessment hopes to help identify areas of comparative advantage and comparative neglect and over time, to encourage country initiatives towards a more strategic engagement in the water sector.

In many water-related interventions the ultimate goal is to address a basic need as well as address poverty and social justice. Likewise, improving gender equality, environmental protection, contributing to social inclusion, addressing rights to access to resources and services, and improving governance systems tend to be objectives that inform our approaches. The vibrant water sector approach provides a systematic framework which considers all three areas of human condition, social position and enabling environments as well as the objectives above. The framework is based on key points which map where the country portfolio is in relation to these key elements of a vibrant sector.

Your results and how these fit into the wider CARE International portfolio will be shared with you once the analysis has been completed, along with recommendations on next steps.

Additional resources may also be identified and shared, including ways of linking you up to other country initatives, for example through the water wikispace.

The plan is that the exercise will be undertaken regularly to track changes both to country initiatives and to the overall CARE International portfolio.

Where a country program has a number of different projects or programs, respondents should look at their overall portfolio and fill in the survey on the basis of this overall portfolio.

Ideally, the self-assessment should reflect the collective view of both technical and management staff involved in the portfolio rather than the opinions of only one or two people with similar positions in the organization.

Finally the survey uses the word 'water+' as shorthand for work that includes water, sanitation and hygiene as well as wider integrated water resource management sector work.

Question Title

1. What CARE country are you providing information for?

Question Title

2. Contact information (provide details of two people involved in the country water portfolio)

Question Title

3. The position of water+ related work within the country strategy.

  Yes No Don't know
A. Water+ is named in the Country's Long Range Strategic Plan
B. Separate country projects addressing water+ are linked up through a common strategy or other process
C. For country programs who have developed their new programs along (P-shift process) Water+ is named i) in the UCPV analysis as an underlying cause level
--ii) Water+ is named at Theory of Change level
--iii) Water+ is named at pathways level
--iv) Water+ is named as some other level

Question Title

4. Current basic data about CARE's water+ portfolio in Country

Question Title

5. A. Overall approach usually adopted by CARE in the Country

Question Title

6. Specific approach to sanitation and hygiene mobilization

  Not used Sometimes used Usually used Always used/main method
A. Community Led Total Sanitation
B. PHAST (Participatory Hygiene and Sanitation Transformation)
C. Sanitation Marketing
D. Other (please explain in comments section)

Question Title

7. Policy and Advocacy

The portfolio's work on governance, policy influence or policy enforcement is at the following levels:

  Not done Ongoing part of other implementation work proactive separate policy engagement no major wins proactive separete policy engagement with significant wins*
A. Community or village level
B. District or local government level
C. Provincial or national level
D. Regional level (cross-national)
E. Other (please specify below)

Question Title

8. The country office has done or is planning significant policy analysis on:

Question Title

9. The country office portfolio includes capacity building strategies and activities for:

Question Title

10. Networked implementation

  no sometimes often yes always and systematically Don't know
A. Does the portfolio involve working with other CSOs/NGOs?
B. Does the portfolio involve working with the private sector?
C. Does the portfolio involve working with academia/research?
D. Does it involve cross-sector links within your organization?
E. Does it involve cross-sector/cross-org links with other orgs within your country?
F. Does the portofolio involve working with any programes in other countries?
G. Other (please specify below)

Question Title

12. To what extent is the CARE country work involved in productive use of water approaches?

  no sometimes often yes always and systematically don't know
A.) Irrigation provision
B) Livestock provision
C) Clothes washing facilities
D) Other

Question Title

13. To what extent does the portfolio look at environmental resource management and adaptation to climate change in terms of:

  no sometimes often yes always and systematically don't know
A. Water point environmental protection?
B. Wider watershed protection and management work?
C. Permaculture or sustainable agriculture for watershed management?
D. Development of gray water systems
E. Climate proofing initiatives in terms of planning processes, choice of technology, etc.
F. Community level environmental disaster preparedness work?
G. Wider watershed and or district level disaster preparedness work
H. Monitoring water quantity levels after initial implementation
I. Ongoing water quality monitoring(i.e. after initial tests)
J. Other (please specify below)

Question Title

14. Diversity and inclusion - in your water+ work:

  no sometimes often yes always and systematically don 't know
A. Women's practical needs are addressed by the portfolio
B. Women's strategic interests (decision making, leadership, power) are promoted by the portfolio
C. The portfolio works with men to advance understanding of roles of women in management of water resources and involves men in WASH activities in other ways that promote gender equality
D. The needs of the vulnerable/marginalized/poorest in the community are addressed
E. The strategic interests of the vulnerable/marginalized/poorest in the community are addressed
F. Overall, issues of inclusion and diversity at all levels of the portfolio are addressed
G. Capacity building in conflict resolution given different interest groups within and between communities is provided
H. Other (please specify below)

Question Title

15. Technical/Institutional sustainability. The portfolio has systems so that:

  no sometimes often yes always and systematically N/A
A. Community contributions towards operation and maintenance costs are in place
B. Community contributions towards operation and maintenance is sufficient to cover ongoing costs
C. There is ongoing monitoring of fee collection and management
D. Non-functionality of water schemes are generally promptly addressed
E. Sanitation usage and hygiene practices will be sustained
F. Water+ Committees are legalized and can hold people to account
G. There is accountability in community governance structure (e.g.annual re-elections of committee members)
H. There is annual or periodic financial monitoring, (e.g. audits/feedback to community of scheme's finances)
I. There is a system of community self-assessment in place(e.g. score cards)
J. Community water+ committees have a strong linkage with the local government line offices
K. Other (please specify below)

Question Title

16. Innovation and Learning

  No sometimes often * yes, always and systematically don't know
A. Is innovation being actively encouraged?
B. Is sharing of learning and best practices actively encouraged?
C. Is CARE supporting, creating or participating in active learning fora at the district, provincial or national level?
D. Is there any evidence of recent uptake of learning from the CARE portfolio by others?

Question Title

17. Cost contribution to service provision - your current estimates of average contributions to service delivery costs

Question Title

18. Cost effectiveness - for portfolios with activities involved in direct service provision and infrastructural work, your current estimates of cost per person: (use estimates based on current rough figures, in US $ (whole no)). If you have no idea leave blank

Question Title

19. Notes on Costings for question 18 - please provide any comments/explanations etc you feel are important regarding question 18 above

Question Title

20. In your implementation work, what standards are you aware of, consciously aiming to achieve and to what extent are you meeting these standards?

  Aiming for, monitoring achievements - usually achieving Aiming for, monitoring achievements - not usually achieving Aiming for but not monitoring achievements Have not consicously considered Don't know
A. National Standards
B. WHO Standards
C. SPHERE Standards
D. Other (specify in comments section)

Question Title

21. Materials and Knowledge

Please provide any recent materials about your water+ portfolio which can be shared with other countries including stories, research papers, tools, training materials, photos, video, along with any instructions for reproduction, citation, or use. This can also include materials developed by the country office for use in programs, such as hygiene posters, stickers, etc.

Documentation or recordings on lessons learned and innovation and point persons to contact for more information would be particularly useful.

If this information is available on a web site, please provide details below. Otherwise please e-mail to mwright@care.org so that she can upload onto the CARE Water website. Hard copies can be sent to Malaika Wright at CARE USA, 151 Ellis St., Atlanta, GA 30303, USA.

Question Title

22. Areas of interest going forward

Please identify particular issues that you are most keen on linking up with other countries on and would like to know more about

Also please share any other points that you would like to make.

Question Title

23. Areas of experience

Please identify particular issues in which you have built comparative expertise and/or have had some interesting experiences, along with relevant point persons and contact information.

Question Title

24. Thanks for all your feedback. Finally if you have any other comments and feedback about the survey please share below

100% of survey complete.