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LITA Program Evaluation: Emerging Technologies: Virtualization in Libraries, 2010 ALA Annual Conference

Your evaluation of this discussion is very important to the panelists and to LITA. Your honest, candid answers to the following questions will assist us in providing quality programs.

Question Title

* Please rate the following aspects of the program:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
The program provided the information I expected or needed.
Advance publicity accurately described the program's content, scope, and approach.
Presenter(s) was (were) prepared for the presentation.
The speaker(s) presented their information effectively.
The handouts and visual aids used (if any) were helpful and appropriate.
Length of time alloted for the program was appropriate.
Overall, the program met my expectations.

Question Title

* How would you improve this program?

Question Title

* Would you attend another program on this or related topics?

Question Title

* Please provide additional comments about the program:

Question Title

* Where did you hear about this program? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* Are you a LITA member?

Question Title

* Type of employment or organization: