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* 1. How seriously do you think about starting your own business?

Question Title

* 2. If you have any measurable desire to start a business but have not yet acted on it, identify what obstacles have gotten in the way. Where 10=total obstacle, down to 1=no obstacle at all.

  10 Total obstacle 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No obstacle at all
I am afraid to take that kind of risk
I don't have sufficient clientele/customers to start a business
I don't have the (access to) capital to get started
I don't have the financial skills to operate a business
I don't have the sales/marketing skills to run a business
I don't have the time to make a go of it
I lack sufficient knowledge about a product or service to open a business
This is just not the right time in my career to start a business
This is just not the right time in my family for me to start a business
This is just not the right time in the economy to start a business

Question Title

* 3. Starting a business, like many things in life, almost always requires dealing with inner thoughts/voices of fear and self-doubt. As you think about starting a business, or making other major career moves, how would you say you tend to deal with those thoughts/voices of fear or doubt. Which of the following statements most accurately describes how you deal with self doubts or fears?

  Most accurate 2nd most accurate 3rd most accurate
I talk them through with a coach, counselor, spouse or friend
I generally don't spend time thinking or talking about them
I choose to ignore them and refuse to "give them power"
I assess them on my own by thinking or writing about them
I don't have a set method of dealing with them and my self doubts often stop me from acting
I don't have a set method of dealing with them and my self doubts almost always stop me from acting