How do you feel about nature?

6% of survey complete.
We need your help!

Could you could give us your opinion this survey should only take between 2 to 4 minutes maximum, it really is very quick.

Do vegetarians feel differently than confirmed carnivores or even vegans, do people who use the 'natural' environment for sport vary from people who use it to relax.

If you live work or use nature in any way we'd really like to have your point of view. If you feel you don't use nature at all or feel little or no connection we'd really like to hear about you too.

Recent studies show that there are differences in the way that individuals feel about Nature. That nature is good for your mental health and that people merely exposed to pictures of nature are more likely to be generous.

If you can, answer the following questions quickly and without thinking about them too seriously.

Remember there are no right and wrong answers.

Although some people find some questions repetitive this is necessary to correct for errors.

This is part of a pilot project at Cornwall College Newquay looking at whether there are differences between people who experience nature in different ways.

This survey is completely anonymous!