Tell us about your experience with capacity building initiatives!

This survey is for retail financial service providers.

It has been designed in order to better understand the demand for and the supply of capacity building services needed to advance financial inclusion - a world in which all households and businesses have the choice to access and the ability to use a range of appropriate financial services.

The lack of capacity is often quoted as one of the main bottlenecks for scaling up quality financial services for low income people. Capacity is broadly defined here as “the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable manner”. Capacity building services include, but are not limited to, the provision of training and technical assistance or consultancy, and other actions needed to change organizational processes, systems and behavior.

This survey is part of broader CGAP research on the evolving role of donors in advancing financial inclusion. Results will help shape guidance on supporting the development of a sustainable market for building the capacity of a wide range of retail financial service providers and channels that serve low income clients.

We welcome your responses by November 15 2012. Please note that your individual responses to this survey are strictly confidential. Only aggregated information will be shared. We expect to share the results in January 2013.

It should take around 15-20 minutes to complete this survey. Submit your response and have a chance to win a tuition scholarship for the Boulder Microfinance Training Programme 2013.

We thank you for your participation!

For any questions or comments please contact CGAP: Antonique Koning,