A New Pest in the Garden, and in Your Homes

From its initial stronghold on the mid-Atlantic Coast, the imported brown marmorated stink bug has now spread into the upper Midwest as well as California and Oregon. In addition to threatening fruit and vegetable crops, this Asian insect seeks winter refuge inside homes and buildings.

In the interest of sharing useful information on coping with brown marmorated stink bugs in your home and garden, Mother Earth News is sponsoring an ongoing “open results” survey of brown marmorated stink bug behavior. If you have seen these bugs on your property, we hope you will take the survey at the link below. After you complete the survey, you can click "see results" to see what other respondents have reported. In addition, look for updates from the survey at MotherEarthNews.com.

To skip the survey, and only see the results, click here.

The survey is divided into three parts: your home, your garden, and control techniques. It takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you can skip questions if you like. Thanks for participating!

Question Title

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug