ODTUG Kscope13 - .NET Track

ODTUG is considering adding a .NET track to its yearly Kscope conference. Kscope is a week-long conference in the United States. The next Kscope conference is being held June 23-27, 2013 in New Orleans, LA.

We need your input to gauge interest for a .NET presentation track at Kscope in 2013. The proposed .NET track would consist of 16-18 sessions and hands-on labs, about two to three times more Oracle .NET content than at Oracle OpenWorld. All .NET track content will be presented by Oracle employees and/or experts, such as Oracle ACEs.

If you provide your valid e-mail address in question #5, you will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card.

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* 1. How likely would you attend an Oracle .NET development track at Kscope on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being very interested and 5 not at all interested?

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* 2. The cost to attend the .NET track will be approximately $1,500. Would you be willing to pay this amount to attend?

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* 3. Given that Kscope has numerous other Oracle sessions, how many sessions in the .NET track do you think you would attend?

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* 4. Do you have any suggestions to make a Kscope .NET track more compelling for attendees?

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* 5. If a .NET track is added to Kscope next year and you would like to be informed to sign up, please provide your e-mail address:

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* 6. Are you a member of any Oracle User Group?

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* 7. Have you ever attended ODTUG's Kscope Conference?