1. Post-Survey Spring 2012

Directions: Parents, please complete the survey based on your experience. This is an anonymous survey.

Question Title

* 1. My child feels this way about being at All Saints Catholic School:

Bullying Defined: There are lots of ways to bully, but in all cases students who bully other students intend to hurt or upset them (it’s not an accident). Usually they hurt or upset them repeatedly and have an advantage over them, such as being bigger, older, more popular. Sometimes a group of students will bully a student (Adapted from the Safe School Project, Ontario, Canada).

Question Title

* 2. Has your child been bullied?

  Every Day Once a Week Once a Month Once a Year Never
a. physically
b. verbally
c. socially
d. electronically
e. racially

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* 3. Has your child stayed away from school because of bullying?

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* 4. Has your child bullied another child or children?

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* 5. Where does bullying occur?

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* 6. When is a child most likely to be bullied?

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* 7. How often do adults at your child’s school (teachers, administration, support staff, parent volunteers)

  Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never I Don't Know
a. notice bullying
b. try to stop bullying
c. ignore bullying
d. talk openly about bullying
e. support those who are bullied
f. discipline those who bully?
g. listen to both sides of the story

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* 8. Are the rules related to conduct and behavior fairly enforced?

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* 9. If a student tells an adult about bullying at your child’s school, how often is something done about it?

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* 10. Does your child’s school communicate information about its bullying prevention programs and policies?

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* 11. Do you communicate with school faculty and staff regarding bullying behavior that you are aware of?

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* 12. How would you rate the efforts of adults at your child’s school to make it a safe place?