Question Title

* 1. What is your title?

Question Title

* 2. Please select your organization type.

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* 3. "Revenue Integrity is the acheivement of operational efficiency, compliance and legitimate reimbursement." Please choose the statement below that best matches your feelings about revenue integrity.

Question Title

* 4. Do you expect the industry's rapid rate of mergers and acquisitions to affect your hospital or system?

Question Title

* 5. What industry trends do you expect to have the greatest impact over the next five years? (Please select all that apply)

  Very large impact Large impact Some impact Little impact Very little impact
Changing payment models
Accountable Care Organizations
Physician hiring and alignment
Cost containment
Data processing and reporting

Question Title

* 6. Within your hospital or system, what are your greatest financial priorities? (Please rank your top five)

  Greatest priority Second priority Third priority Fourth priority Lowest priority
Receiving proper reimbursement from private payors
Receiving proper reimbursement from Medicare/Medicaid
Complexity of reimbursement requirements from government payors
Compliance with changing regulatory requirements
Receiving proper reimbursement for pharmaceuticals
Receiving proper reimbursement for codable supplies
Meeting requests for accurate patient estimates
Meeting requests for records of RAC and other audits
The increasing number of claim denials
Setting pricing strategy for your market

Question Title

* 7. Within your hospital or system, what are the strongest opportunities to improve financial performance? (Please select all that apply)

  Very strong opportunity Strong opportunity Some opportunity Weak opportunity Little or no opportunity
Optimizing pricing for competitive pricing and accurate reimbursement
Improving charge capture and coding
Improving denials prevention and management
Improving underpayment detection and management
Improving audit prevention and appeals management
Improving operational efficiencies across departments
Managing compliance

Question Title

* 8. Which of these has your hospital or system done in the past three years to improve financial performance? (Please select all that apply)

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* 9. What are the most important ways you stay informed of industry events and trends? (Please select all that apply)

  Vital Very important Somewhat important Not very important Unimportant
Professional association national meetings
Professional association local meetings
Professional association publications
Direct emails from industry publications (HFMA, Beckers, etc.)
Websites of industry publications
Print magazines of industry publications

Question Title

* 10. How involved are you in social media?

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* 11. To ensure you are one of the first to see the survey results and are entered into a drawing for a $250 Amazon gift card, please enter a valid email address.