The Canadian Unitarian Council Board and Staff are gathering information about the Annual Conference and Meeting (ACM)to evaluate and improve the national gathering, and to make some decisions about its future.

Our Annual Conference and Meeting has traditionally included both a business meeting and an extensive conference program for participants of all ages. For some time now, there have been concerns about the expense, participation rates, and staff and volunteer time associated with a large-scale annual gathering. One suggestion worth considering is that of holding the conference and gathering component every two years. The CUC invites you to think about the advantages and disadvantages of each option and then to help determine the future of these events by filling out this Conference survey, which will take about 10 minutes.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM or business meeting) will continue to be held annually to deal with the official business of the CUC, and the CUC is exploring the use of technological platforms to enable electronic participation and voting by delegates who are off-site.

We are looking for opinions about the larger conference and gathering here, and would like you to tell us what you think.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about your attendance at ACMs.

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* 2. Are you a member or friend of a congregation?

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* 3. I am:

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* 4. In my opinion, the goals of the ACM are:

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* 5. The ACM succeeds at:

  Not at all Somewhat Well Very well NA/Don't know
Bringing together member societies, individuals and communities
Building a sense of community among those attending
Fostering intergenerational community building
Providing rich learning and spiritual deepening opportunities
Increasing members' awareness of the national UU community

Question Title

* 6. Attending ACMs is not always feasible because (choose all that apply):

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* 7. I am attending the Calgary ACM.

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* 8. No, I am not attending the Calgary ACM because (choose all that apply):

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* 9. What would encourage you to attend future conferences?