1. Introduction

7% of survey complete.

Thank you for taking part in our survey of members of Community Supported Agriculture and similar enterprises. We take CSA to mean "any food, fuel or fibre producing initiative where the community shares the risks and rewards of production, whether through ownership, investment, sharing the costs of production, or provision of labour".

You are helping us understand experiences of CSAs and their economic, social and environmental impact. We hope our findings will encourage further enterprises and help existing ones understand the needs of their communities.

The survey takes between 5 and 15 minutes, depending on the length of your answers. To thank you, we'll enter you into a draw for some great Earthscan books and give you a discount on all their books (details at the end).

Your responses and information

None of the questions are compulsory, so please skip any that you would prefer not to answer or that are not applicable to you. But the more you can tell us, the more it will help us understand CSAs and their members.

Your personal information will be kept absolutely confidential and you will not be individually identified in any of our reporting. We are only collecting personal contact details in case we need to get in touch - if you are a winner in our prize draw or if you have agreed to help us survey non-members or take part in a follow-up interview.

This survey is being conducted by Provenance as part of its evaluation of the impact of CSA for the Soil Association's CSA support work under the Making Local Food Work programme. Data collected will be shared by the Soil Association and Provenance, but only used for the purposes of this evaluation and related work.

If you have any comments or complaints about this survey, please email nick@provenance.co

Read more (links will also be available at the end of the survey): Provenance and our work to evaluate the impact of CSA / The Soil Association's CSA support work / The Making Local Food Work programme