1. Dear Laity, Clergy, Bishops, District Superintendents and Conference Staff of the UMC

A task force formed by the Council of Bishops and the Connectional Table has been working on a set of goals for congregations along with a tool to help congregations set goals. You are invited to review the document and provide feedback. Your input will help to shape the planning guide and goals for United Methodist Congregations. Please complete the following survey by March 12. You may read the document here.

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* 1. I am a:

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* 2. I am from:

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* 3. The Call to Action synopsis is well stated and helpful:

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* 4. While there are a number of things that a local church can and should measure, the five goals listed in the document seem appropriate for congregations:

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* 5. The planning guide is easy to understand:

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* 6. While there are many different planning tools for congregations, this planning guide will help a congregation focus on its strengths, challenges, the people and community it is called to serve and actions to develop its ministry and mission:

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* 7. Planning is critical to the health of a congregaton:

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* 8. Setting clear measurable goals is important for a congregation's growth:

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* 9. What are the strengths of the document:

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* 10. What would you change in the document:

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* 11. What roadblocks will this resource encounter, select all that apply:

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* 12. How Would you overcome these roadblocks: