Dear STU Students,

Hi. My name is Scott Fisher. I am a new teacher in ELC this fall. I am also helping organize a new English-learning facility, the Center for Independent Language Learning (CILL), on the ground floor of the new library. CILL is open now, but only for some of its planned activities and services. The reason for this is that we are now in the process of planning the center’s activities and purchasing the computer hardware and language-learning software, books, DVDs and other materials that will be the heart of CILL. And for that we will need your help.
大家好!我叫Scott Fisher。于今年秋季学期我加入英语语言中心(ELC)的大家庭,正在协助筹备位于学校新图书馆一层的全新英语学习馆—语言自学中心(CILL)。新学年开始时, CILL现已对特定的课外活动和服务开放。我们正在策划将在中心开展的各项活动、购置计算机硬件、语言学习软件、书籍、DVD光盘及其它资料,所有这些将构成CILL的要素。为此,我们希望得到你们的帮助。

Primarily, CILL is designed for independent, self-paced, culture-rich and largely technology-assisted English learning; the center’s resources, activities, and additional consultation and tutoring services are intended to help all STU students pursue mastery of English in a comfortable, inviting, relaxing environment. CILL will be a place for serious English study, but also a place to experience and enjoy—and learn from—the best of English-based culture: the books, the music, the movies, the English-language Web. We will be there to guide, assist and tutor.

Although our initial focus will be English, we will also be adding learning software, resources and services for the study of other languages—both foreign languages and Chinese languages/dialects (if you are interested in studying other languages, please be sure to answer question #15 below).

In addition to language software, we will stock books, magazines, newspapers, DVDs, CDs, etc. Our learning materials will be level-differentiated to match your own present English level and to assist both you and us in following your progress. We will provide speech training, writing help, as well as meeting space for groups like Gender Studies, Poetry Club, Reading Club and others in the future.
除语言学习软件外, 我们将收藏书籍、杂志、报纸、DVD光盘、CD等资料。我们的学习资料将按语言水平分类,这将有助于你找到符合你现有英语水平的资料,也将有助于你和我们了解你在英语学习中所取得的进步。另外,我们给Gender Studies,Poetry Club,Reading Club,以及其它社团等提供聚会场所。

As we are at the beginning of the process of putting CILL together, we would like to ask you a few questions about your experience with English, what resources you would like us to have in the center and what services we can offer to assist with the improvement of your English skills. So, when you have a few moments, please look through the questions below and then send us your thoughts for CILL. In short, please help us design a language-learning center that works for you!

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* 1. What is your major?

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* 2. What grade are you in? 您是几年级学生?

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* 3. Gender 性别

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* 4. Highest ELC level attained? 您已经完成了ELC哪一级别的学习?

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* 5. How important do you think English will be in your future?

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* 6. What sorts of materials (in any language) do you enjoy reading in your free time? (choose as many as apply)

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* 7. What materials do you like to listen to/watch in English in your free time?

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* 8. How do you study English on your own, outside the classroom?

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* 9. How many hours per week on average do you spend on/with English outside classes?

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* 10. What opportunities outside of class do you have to use your English?(choose as many as apply)

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* 11. Have you heard about CILL before now?

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* 12. What services would you like us to provide at CILL (for example, pronunciation training, job interview practice, writing instruction)?

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* 13. Have you ever used language-learning software?

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* 14. What types of specialized language-learning software would you like us to include at CILL? (choose as many as apply)

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* 15. In addition to English, what other languages (including Chinese languages/dialects) would you like to learn?

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* 16. What specific titles—or types or genres of materials—in the following categories would you like us to provide?