
Thank you for taking our survey. We're going to ask you some questions about your media use, about what you use, what kind of things you watch or play with. We will also ask you other questions about who you are, what you think about your future and more. There is no right or wrong answer, and your answers won't be shown to anyone except the UCLA research team (in other words, we won't show this to your friends, your parents or your teachers or anyone else). Please be as honest as you can.

The entire survey should take about 15-20 minutes and you can take a break if you need to, just leave your browser window open - but if you feel the information is private, make sure no one has access to the computer while you take a break. When you are finished, if you have given us your email, you will automatically be entered into our raffle to win $100!

Thank you so much for your participation!!!! We really appreciate your time.