This 5-10 minute survey is requesting your opinion regarding Campbell County Schools. It uses a rating scale. Choose N/A if you have no opinion. There is no right answer. Please respond honestly. We consider this confidential information.
School District: Campbell

Question Title

* School Name:

Question Title

* Think about your school as you read each sentence. Then choose the rating that best describes how much you agree with that sentence.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree N/A
My teacher makes it clear what I am supposed to learn.
My teacher expects all students to work hard.
My teacher believes that I can learn.
My teacher thinks I will be successful.
I know that I can do good work.
My teacher uses different ways to help me learn.
My teacher listens to my ideas and opinions.
The schoolwork I am asked to do is challenging.
My teacher helps me when I don't understand something.
I get extra help when I need it.
My teacher cares about me.
Teachers in my school show respect for students.
Most students respect those who are different from them.
I feel safe when I am at school.
I feel that I am bullied at school.
I know what bullying is, and what it look like.
I know who to report bullying to in my school.
I have fun leaning at school.
Sometimes students work together in class.
The school has fair rules.
Students are treated fairly if they get in trouble.
The school is clean.
My school serves good, healthy food.
My teacher talks to my family if I have problems learning.
If I am doing a good job in school, my teacher tells my family.
My homework helps me learn.
I get help on my schoolwork at home.
I like my teacher(s).
I use technology to research and help me answer questions/problems.
I am asked to explore problems that have to do with my life.
School work is interesting.
I get feedback from my teacher(s) on my work so that I can improve.
I like this school.

Question Title

* Your grade:

Question Title

* Your gender:

Question Title

* Your Race/Ethnic Group:

Question Title

* Comments: