This survey is designed to provide schools and the district with data useful for evaluating needs in order to develop campus improvement plans. Your survey participation is very important to ensure accurate and useful data. As you answer the questions, please base your answers on your experiences only at the school that you'll select below. Questions about staff or adults at the school refer to all staff - administrators, teachers, teaching assistants, counselors, and other certified and classified staff. Please note that all responses are anonymous.

Question Title

* 2. Respond to each scenario below based on your experiences at the school identified above.

  Always Sometimes Not at all Not sure
Teachers and staff discuss instructional strategies and curriculum issues.
Teachers and staff work together to develop the school schedule.
Teachers and staff are involved in the decision-making process with regard to materials and resources.
Expectations for student conduct are a result of collaboration and consensus among staff.
The planning/organizational time allotted to teachers and staff is used to plan as collective units/teams rather than as separate individuals.
School members are interdependent and value each other.
Members of our school community seek to define the problem/issue rather than blame others.
Our school supports and appreciates sharing of new ideas by members of our school.
Teachers are viewed as the instructional leaders and decision makers in their classroom.
Teachers have a voice in decision-making and policies in our school.
Administrators welcome and support my concerns about students, classroom, and school.
School administrators are visible and accessible at our campus on a regular basis.
School administrators exhibit strong instructional leadership and knowledge.
Thank you for participating in this survey!!

Portions of this survey were adapted from several sources, including the Indiana Department of Education, the Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University, and The School Leader's Tool for Assessing and Improving School Culture by Christopher R. Wagner.