Question Title

* 1. What issues are most important to you in the upcoming election on November 4th?

  Very Important Important Neutral Not as important I don't care about this issue
Raising the minimum wage
Paid leave for all workers
Equal pay for equal work
Protect our right to organize as workers and form a union
Immigration reform
Income inequality
Job discrimination
Affordable child care
Investments in high quality public education
Making college more affordable
Affordable health care
Protecting Social Security from cuts
Making corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes
End pregnancy discrimination in the workplace

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* 2. Will you commit to voting in the November election? (Note: The following questions below are all optional.)

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* 3. What time will you be voting?

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* 4. Will you volunteer to do any of the following?

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* 5. Please provide us with your first and last name. (Note: None of the personal information below is required.)

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* 6. Please provide us with your cell phone number.

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* 7. Can we add you to our text messaging list? (Note: You can reply STOP to quit our text messages at any time. Message and data rates may apply.)

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* 8. What is your home address?

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* 9. Are you an AFSCME member?

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* 10. Please provide us with your email address if you indicated you would like to volunteer.