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* 1. Are you an Austin CPA Chapter/TSCPA student member?

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* 2. If you are not a member, why not?

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* 3. What accounting program do you attend?

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* 4. Did you know the Austin CPA Chapter offers scholarships of up to $2,500 each year to local accounting students?

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* 5. Are the scholarship amounts of $1,500 and $2,500 competitive and worthy of application?

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* 6. If they are not worth applying for, why not?

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* 7. If you received information about the Austin CPA Chapter scholarships, how did you hear about them?

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* 8. Did you apply for the Austin CPA Chapter scholarship monies this year?

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* 9. If you did not apply, please let us know why.

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* 10. To help us reach out to as many deserving students as possible in the future, how would you suggest we get the word out about the scholarships?

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* 11. When should scholarships be awarded?