The Office of Interprofessional Continuing Education at Cincinnati Children’s is committed to providing quality programming that is pertinent to your practice. Your input is crucial to the evaluation and improvement of our programs.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree. (7 = Strongly Agree, 1= Strongly Disagree)

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1
I would recommend this learning experience to a colleague.
I will be able to use what I gained from this learning experience to improve my clinical skills
I will be able to use what I gained from this learning experience to improve my patients' medical and/or quality of life outcomes.
Learning with other health care professionals will help me become a more effective educator for my health care team.
Due to participating in this educational activity, I am more likely to consider diverse perspectives and experiences in my work.

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the knowledge and skills you learned, please describe the most important thing(s) you plan to apply to improve your or your team's practice/performance:

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* 4. Thinking about your previous answer, approximately how long will it it take before you apply this new knowledge or skill? (Please select one).

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* 5. What barriers might prevent you from applying the knowledge and skills learned at this conference/program? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. Do you believe this activity was commercially biased? 

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* 7. How many years' experience do you have developing/delivering education as part of your job?

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* 8. How would you best describe your experience level developing and/or delivering education?

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* 9. After participating in this continuing education activity, are there any additional resources or support you need to further enhance your skills in this area?

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* 10. Suggestions for future activities/topics: