More and more companies in a wide range of industries are using information and analytics to drive profits. This survey aims to confirm how business intelligence (BI) – information and analytics – is being leveraged to address the challenges managers face and to drive business performance. By participating, you will gain specific information about the ways that BI is used in your industry and function. The survey results – available only to participants – will enable you to take control of and improve the performance of your function, and contribute to overall company performance.

The survey is designed to take less than 20 minutes to complete. Your answers will be anonymous: the resulting research report will not mention any responding individual or company by name.

If you cannot complete the survey at one time, you can return to the link and complete your survey prior to the due date, as long as you use the same computer.

If there are others in your organization who could add insight into use of and attitudes about BI, feel free to forward the survey to them.