Beddington for Business

Purpose of business consultation:

Work is underway to develop a Business Improvement District (BID) in Beddington. The business-led initiative gives businesses a voice and means to shape and implement improvements throughout the industrial area; businesses have the opportunity to develop a five year business plan for Beddington Industrial Area.

To date there are circa 200 established Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) across the UK; 40+ in London alone. Two highly successful BIDs have already been developed by businesses in the Borough - Sutton Town Centre BID and Kimpton Industrial Area BID.

BIDs are business-led. business-managed and business-funded. BIDs are voted in by a ballot based on proposals in a business plan which respond to the needs and ideas of local businesses. If successful a BID in Beddington would raise up to £1 million for the five year project term (2015-2020). The funds would be ring fenced and managed by the BID (a Board of local businesses) to implement the proposals in the BID business plan.

All 191 businesses throughout Beddington Industrial Area are being asked to complete a survey to determine priorities for the BID. We will hold a public meeting in early 2015 to discuss the survey and business feedback.

The survey can also be completed online at:

For more information please contact:

Michelle Baker
Beddington BID Development Manager

Tel 07527 016338

Question Title
