Ranking the needs of the beginning farmer...

Starting a farm is difficult, and succeeding beyond the first few years may be even more so. According to a USDA definition, farmers are considered “beginners” until they have been in operation for 10 years. Many new farmers don’t make it to that point. The focus of this effort is to identify how agencies, organizations and policy makers can best help farmers thrive beyond the start-up phase. What resources should be created, educational opportunities developed, resources made available, or policies changed that will help beginning farmers be successful? Your experience and input is essential to getting it right.

Think about new farmers who are established in business and now may be looking to grow, diversify or expand. What are their highest priority research, education, service, policy or resource needs?

As a beginning farmer, or if you are beyond the ‘beginning’ stage remembering back, think about the items that appear in this survey in terms of what needs, concerns, or knowledge gaps you have identified or experienced.

If you represent a beginning farmer service provider organization, think about farmer needs in terms of the support and services you or your organization provides, as well as farmer needs more broadly. Think about new farmers across the full gamut of small to large farms; organic and conventional farms; recently established farms and long-established farmers looking to diversify; farms in rural areas and farms in or near urban areas.