1. Contact Lens Care

The aim of the survey is to gain an insight into how contact lens wearers currently cope with planned and unplanned contact lens removal from cases. This survey is aimed at users of all types of contact lenses.

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* 1. Have you ever been in a situation when you would have liked to remove your contact lenses and not had a case with solution to put them into?

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* 2. Where were you when this occurred? (Please answer more than one if applicable)

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* 3. If yes what did you do with the lenses?

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* 4. Would you be interested in a disposable case pre filled with solution, which remains sterile until opened?

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* 5. If Yes, how much would you be happy to pay for it?

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* 6. Where would you be most likely to want to buy the case?

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* 7. How frequently do you replace your contact lenses?

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* 8. How frequently would you need to use such a case per year?

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* 9. If you have had a contact lens related eye infection, what was the reason?

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* 10. GENDER and AGE?