1. BSR/Arthritis Research UK National E-Learning Survey

You have been sent this questionnaire because the BSR & Arthritis Research UK are keen to know your views about computer based methods of learning for both professionals and patients. So we are collaborating with other musculoskeletal organisations including the British Orthopaedic Association and Primary Care Rheumatology to find out members' views.

Question Title

* 1. What best describes your position (complete one option only):

Question Title

* 2. Gender:

Question Title

* 3. Please tell us what age range you are?

Question Title

* 4. How much of the time you spend on education is done using a computer?

Question Title

* 5. Where do you prefer using a computer for your own educational purposes?

Question Title

* 6. If None or N/A for questions 4 and 5 respectively, please state your reasons below (tick as many that apply and if not listed please state)

Question Title

* 7. Is any of your trust mandatory training online?

Question Title

* 8. Have you ever completed an online module of any description?

Question Title

* 9. Do you have a preferred format for e-learning material?
(Please tick as many that are applicable)

Question Title

* 10. Do you have an online CPD Diary or Portfolio?

Question Title

* 11. How do your patients currently receive education? (tick all routinely used)

Question Title

* 12. What barriers exist to educating patients?

Question Title

* 13. Which resources are you aware of for PROFESSIONALS?
Please rate as many websites you have visited from 0 (worst) to 5 (best).

If you have not used a resource before please feel free to paste the link into another website browser window to view content and then rate.

  0 (Worst) 1 2 3 4 5 (Best)
Arthritis Research UK formerly arc (www.arthritisresearchuk.co.uk)
BMJ Learning (http://learning.bmj.com)
British Orthopaedic Association (www.boa.ac.uk)
Doctors.net (www.doctors.net.uk)
e-Learning for healthcare (e-LfH) (www.e-lfh.org.uk)
eGuidelines (www.eguidelines.co.uk)
EULAR (www.eular.org)
EULAR Compendium (http://ard.bmj.com/site/about/eularcompendium.xhtml)
EULAR On-line course (www.eular-onlinecourse.org)
EULAR On-line course on Connective Tissue Diseases (www.eular-ctd-onlinecourse.org)
EULAR Training DVD (www.eular.org/edu_training_dvd.cfm)
Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.co.uk)
GP Notebook (www.gpnotebook.co.uk)
Map of medicine (www.mapofmedicine.com)
Medscape (www.medscape.com)/Emedicine (http://emedicine.medscape.com)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) List (www.nice.org.uk)
NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries (www.cks.nhs.uk/)
NHS Evidence (www.evidence.nhs.uk)
Pubmed (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed)
RCGP 'online learning environment' (http://elearning.rcgp.org.uk)
Royal College of Physicians (www.rcplondon.ac.uk)
The British Society for Rheumatology (www.rheumatology.org.uk)
Univadis (www.univadis.co.uk)
Up-to-date (www.uptodate.com)
Web Mentor (www.emis.ca/emr-system/emis-system/web-mentor-library)
Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org)

Question Title

* 14. Which resources are you aware of for PATIENTS?

Please rate as many websites you have visited from 0 (worst) to 5 (best).

If you have not used a resource before please feel free to paste the link into another browser window or all can be accessed through (www.rheumatology.org.uk/patient_information/default.aspx) to view content and then rate.

  0 (Worst) 1 2 3 4 5 (Best)
Arthritis Care (http://www.arthritiscare.org.uk)
Arthritis Research UK formerly arc (http://www.arthritisresearchuk.org/)
Back Care (http://www.backcare.org.uk/)
Behçet’s Syndrome Society (http://www.behcets.org.uk/)
British Scoliosis Society (http://www.liv.ac.uk/HumanAnatomy/phd/bss/bss.html)
British Sjogren's Syndrome Association (http://www.bssa.uk.net/)
Choices - for Families of Children with Arthritis (http://edit.arthritiscare.org.uk/LivingwithArthritis/Youngpeople)
Contact a Family (http://www.cafamily.org.uk/)
Ehlers-Danlos Support Group (http://www.ehlers-danlos.org/)
FibroAction (http://www.fibroaction.org/)
Fibromyalgia Association UK (http://www.fibromyalgia-associationuk.org/)
Hypermobility Syndrome Association (http://www.hypermobility.org/)
Lupus UK (http://www.lupusuk.org.uk/)
Marfan Association UK (http://www.marfan-asssociation.org.uk/)
Myositis Support Group (http://www.myositis.org.uk/)
National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (NASS) (http://www.nass.co.uk/)
National Association for the relief of Paget’s disease (http://www.paget.org.uk/)
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (www.nice.org.uk)
National Osteoporosis Society (http://www.nos.org.uk/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=183&srcid=-2)
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) (http://www.rheumatoid.org.uk/)
NHS Choices (www.nhs.uk)
Paget's Association (http://www.paget.org.uk/)
Palindromic Rheumatism Society (www.palindromicrheumatism.org/)
Patient UK (www.patient.co.uk)
Perthes Association (www.perthes.org.uk/)
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (http://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/)
Psoriasis Association (www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/)
Psoriasis Scotland (www.psoriasisscotland.org.uk/)
RADAR: The Disability Network (http://www.radar.org.uk/radarwebsite/)
Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Association (http://www.raynauds.org.uk/potioncms/viewer.asp?a=117&z=25)
Scleroderma Society (http://www.sclerodermasociety.co.uk/newsite/index.php)
Scoliosis Society (http://www.britscoliosissoc.org.uk/)
Sick Children’s Trust (http://www.sickchildrenstrust.org/)
Society for Back Pain Research (http://www.sbpr.info/)
The British Society for Rheumatology (www.rheumatology.org.uk)
UK Gout Society (http://www.ukgoutsociety.org/)
Vasculitis (http://www.vasculitis-uk.org.uk/)

Question Title

* 15. What is the single most important thing that defines a good online educational resource?

Question Title

* 16. Please provide us with the first part of your postcode (e.g. B16 or NW12. This is for national comparison only.)

Please leave blank if you do not wish to provide us with this information.