Question Title

* 1. Welcome to the second round of voting. Please look over this new list and vote for 10 moments/sequences that you believe are the most memorable for "Todd" (Victor) and Blair from 2003 to 2011. (Please choose 10 EXACTLY!) Votes will be counted for an official top 10 list that will be unveiled at a later date.

Question Title

* 2. OPTIONAL: Please write a few sentences elaborating on one or all of your chosen moments. What details do you remember/love the best? What are your memories of watching one/some/most of these moments unfold? (Quotes from this portion of the poll will be included in the top 10 list write-up.)

Question Title

* 3. OPTIONAL: Do you have a favorite moment with Blair and Trevor St. John's "Todd" that DIDN'T make the cut for Round 2? Name the moment and explain why you're drawn to it. (Quotes from this portion of the poll may be included in the top 10 list write-up.)

Question Title

* 4. OPTIONAL: If you wrote comments in the above boxes, please give your first name, nickname or screenname so you can be credited for your thoughts if they're included in the top 10 list write-up. (Otherwise you'll be credited as "Anonymous.")