Campus as a Living Lab: Experiments in Re-vitalizing Education & Building Performance

The Building Efficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow (BEST) Center and the AACC-SEED Center are co-hosting a webinar to discuss SEED’s latest toolkit, Campus as a Living Lab: Using the Built Environment to Revitalize College Education. In particular, we'll explore how campus buildings can be used to enhance hands-on learning in areas such as commercial energy management, HVAC, and building automation.

Presenters include: Todd Cohen (SEED Center), Brian Lovell (GA Piedmont Technical College), and Roger Ebbage (NWEEI-Lane Community College).

Date and time: 11/7/13, 10 am PST (1 pm EST)

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* 1. The BEST Center needs to collect participant information for reporting to the National Science Foundation. Your info will be kept confidential and used only for this purpose.

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