Question Title

* 1. Match the cultural challenge to orthodox ecclesiology with the concrete form in which most American Christians encounter it.

  competitors vying to demonstrate the relevance of the gospel to contemporary needs and desires many overlapping, shifting, rival 'Christianities' proliferating, bureaucratic structures of "organized religions"

Question Title

* 2. All of these are among the resonances for Work of the biblical word translated 'church,' EXCEPT for the way it

Question Title

* 3. The Greek term translated 'church' is

Answer the following question only if you viewed Part IV.

Question Title

* 4. Match the name with the strategy it describes for relating contemporary Christians and Jews.

  The Church and Israel play distinct roles in the one story and way of the world's salvation. The Church becomes "the New Israel." The Church enjoys salvation by the new way of faith, whereas Israel remains on the old way of the covenant.
classical supersessionism
Dispensational pluralism
Pauline eschatology

Question Title

* 5. Does this material make you question any attitudes towards the Church, ecclesiology, or Jesus that you held until now? Why or why not? If so, what will you do about that?