100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. What is your name, the year your center opened and e-mail?

All results are confidential. Yardstick Golf only asks for your name and e-mail so that we can send out your copy of the results, as well as ensuring that no one happens to take the survey more than once. We're asking for the year opened to segment results by age of business.

Question Title

* 2. How many simulators does your indoor golf center have?

Question Title

* 3. What brand simulator does your indoor golf center use?

Question Title

* 4. How important were the following in chosing that brand of simulator?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Average Importance Above Average Importance Most Important
Low Price
Realistic Graphics
Number of Courses
Other Features (Driving Range, Games)
Size of System
Ease of Use
Software Tools (swing analysis)
Service and Support

Question Title

* 5. What percent of the time are your simulators in use for each of the following months (I.e. for 80%, put 80)?

Question Title

* 6. How effective are the following strategies in driving traffic to your center in the slow season?

  Poor Fair Average Above Average Excellent N/A
Special Plans / Memberships
Corporate Event Hosting
Tournaments / Contests
Specials / Discounts / Promotions
Kids Parties
Alternative Use (video games)

Question Title

* 7. What percentage of your revenue comes from each of the following (Note - this should total 100%)?

Question Title

* 8. What percentage of your customers visit with the following frequency (I.e. indicate 15% as 15)?

Question Title

* 9. Please rank order the following in terms of importance for your choice of location for your golf center using number 1 to indicate which was the most important.

Question Title

* 10. Do you plan to do any of the following in the next 18 months? Please choose all that apply.