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* 1. Name & Contact Details

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. How often do you attend KCB Youth Activities?

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* 4. What activities do you attend?

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* 5. Are the activities enjoyable, safe and fun?

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* 6. Are you given an opportunity to plan and choose activities?

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* 7. By taking part in the various KCB Youth & Sports programme I am more confident and feel less socially isolated?

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* 8. By taking part in the KCB's Sports activities I feel physically active and I am taking part in regular exercise?

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* 9. As a result of attending KCB I am accessing more youth organisations and services?

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* 10. Because of the KCB's Youth & Sports programme I am leading a healthier lifestyle which has improved my well being?

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* 11. Through KCB's employment and training sessions I have gained skills which will help me to access part-time or full-time employment/access to education?

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* 12. What is the best thing about KCB Youth Activities?

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* 13. Anything you dislike about KCB Youth Activities?

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* 14. What would you change about KCB Youth Activities?

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* 15. I have a good relationship with the youth workers?

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* 16. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us (either positive or negative) about your experience of participating in activities at KCB?