
We appreciate your time and effort to provide us with feedback on TEQ's Special Online Issue. This information will help us with future decisions for the journal.

Thank you,

Steve Cernohous, Thomas D. Wolsey, & Dana L. Grisham

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe your experience reading the online issue? (Choose as many as necessary)

Question Title

* 2. Which features do you find appealing? (Choose as many as necessary)

Question Title

* 3. Which features aren't helpful? (Choose as many as necessary)

Question Title

* 4. In what ways do you think online articles are different from conventional ones?

Question Title

* 5. How likely are you to submit a manuscript (and related materials) for future multimedia online issues?

Question Title

* 6. Do you have any specific questions, comments, ideas to contribute?

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us about the computer you used to view the TEQ Special Online Issue.

Question Title

* 8. Finally, do you have any specific questions, comments, ideas to contribute?

Thank you! And please make sure to click the "Done" button below to save your responses before closing this window.