Keep America Beautiful requires each grant recipient of the Lowe’s Community Improvement Grant to complete a final report. Below are the directions to complete the final report, which is due on December 18th. Please contact Peter O’Keefe ( with any questions or concerns. Thank you very much in advance, the information you provide is essential to grant funding.

1) Complete the online survey. Please answer all the pertinent questions in this online survey. On each page there will be directions to complete the questions. The page order is:
Page 1: Contact Information
Page 2: Metric Questions
Page 3: Community Impact Report
Page 4: Project Description and Narrative Questions

2) Complete the Community Impact Report (Page 3 of this online survey)
If you received a $20K grant, you are required to complete this section for the final report (If you received a $5K grant, you are not required to complete this section, although it is highly encouraged). You are required to complete two of the impact themes. For a collective impact measure, Community Building is required as one of the two themes. Listed below are the eight themes, and detailed descriptions of the themes can be downloaded by going to and clicking the link for the Impact Report Themes.

• Community Building
Public places provide a neutral space in which people come together, social interactions and relationships occur

• Place Attachment & Meaning
Public places affect the sense of self, community, and connectedness

• Culture and Equity
Lives of underserved populations are improved with quality public places

• Education
Educational opportunities can influence behavior change, leading to individual and community benefits

• Local Economics
Intangible effects that places have on businesses and property values

• Active Living
Outdoor environments affect behaviors and encourage physical activity

• Health Benefits
Natural elements can be planned to mitigate the health risks and impacts of urban living

• Safer Communities
Transforming neglected public places can result in lower levels of crime creating safer communities

3) Upload News Media/Pictures/Videos
All news media stories (traditional newspapers, on-line articles and tv clips), hi-res pictures and videos must be uploaded to Keep America Beautiful through Leapfile. To upload files:
• Go to
• Click on ‘Secure Upload’
• Enter ‘Lowe’s Grant’ and your organization’s name into the subject heading
• Select files to be uploaded