Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national education and advocacy organization representing association-governed communities, is organizing an effort to educate federal legislators and regulators about the importance of equitability in determining FEMA funding for association-governed communities contending with natural disasters. Sandy, the recent hurricane that swept through the northeast, is one of a number of major natural disasters that have left community associations with major expenses to clean up debris and damage.

CAI has long advocated that community associations should receive clean-up assistance from FEMA following natural disasters.

Debris removal in community associations is typically not covered when FEMA provides monetary assistance following a natural disaster. Community associations damaged by hurricanes and other natural disasters have found that the costs of debris removal can be extremely high. Without adequate insurance coverage, homeowners in those communities can be stuck with enormous and unanticipated costs.

Please participate in this survey to help communities across the country.

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* 1. Please select your CAI membership category.

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* 2. To help us quantify the problem for FEMA, please choose whether you are submitting information for FEMA funding request for one community or more than one community by checking the box below. You will be directed to slightly different questions based on your answer to this question.

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* 3. What state is the community association located?