1. Introduction

SIG and TPI have partnered to conduct this study on the nature of the Procurement Organization today and in 2012. We selected 2012 because it is far enough into the future to enable implementation of changes in the procurement organizations structure, mandate and capabilities, but still close enough that any forecasts regarding the future state should be grounded in initiatives that are, at a minimum, currently in a serious planning stage.

In designing this survey we have been sensitive to the fact that many procurement organizations share some but not all characteristics of shared services organizations. This is because there are frequently corporate goals, often related to cost savings, that mandate the use of certain procurement services and could create a perceived conflict with a chargeback structure. Thus it may be particularly difficult to run a procurement organization in accordance with the classic rules of shared services: “like a business”, managing and reacting to internal customer demand, and charging back for services; without losing the leverage of a consolidated enterprise spend in the process.

A summary of the research will be presented at the upcoming SIG conference and will be posted on the SIG and TPI websites. Respondents to the survey will receive copies of the full report on the State of the Procurement Organization.

The identity of respondents will be kept strictly confidential and not shared with other companies. TPI will utilize all information strictly for the purposes of completing the State of the Procurement Organization Report, and contact information provided in association with this report will not be utilized for any marketing purposes.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Title

Question Title

* 3. Email(required to receive a copy of the report)

Question Title

* 4. Phone Number