Accessibility is the degree to which an environment, a service, a device, or a good is available to as many people as possible particularly people with disabilities and health issues.

A person is considered to have a disability if he has a physical or mental impairment, a history of such an impairment, or regarded as having such an impairment that limits one or more major life activity. This is a very all encompassing definition that can include things from allergies to mobility issues.

Question Title

* 1. Have you ever been affected by a disability or health issue (whether personally or in relation to a friend or family member)?

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* 2. Have you personally dealt with a disability or health issue during your time at Dartmouth?

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* 3. How accessible do you think Dartmouth is on each of the following dimensions?

  Extremly unaccessible Somewhat unaccessible Somewhat accessible Extremely accessible
Learning Environment
Social Environment
Physical Plant
Dining options
Special Events
Off-Campus programs

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* 4. If you do have a disability or health issue, in what category or categories would you say it falls?

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* 5. Do you feel knowledgeable about the accessibility related services available to Dartmouth students?

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* 6. Are you familiar with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)?

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* 7. Do you use SAS?

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* 8. Do you seek accommodations in another way or through another office?

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* 9. If you have a disability or health issues and do not use SAS, why not?

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* 10. If you do use SAS have you been satisfied with the office? Have you been sufficiently accommodated?

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* 11. What percent of the student body would you estimate deals with a disability or health issue?

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* 12. How likely do you think a student with a disability or health issue is to identify with the Accessibility community

  Extremly unlikely Somewhat unlikely Somewhat likely Extremely likely

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* 13. Please state whether you AGREE or DISAGREE with the following statements about the socio-cultural and institutional environment surrounding disabilities and health issues.

  Agree Disagree
I think of ability as a form of diversity
Ability is generally included in discussions of diversity
Students are comfortable identifying with disabilities and health issues
There is an accessibility community at Dartmouth
Students can take pride in being part of the accessibility community
A stigma surrounds disabilities and health issues
Professors are a supportive resource for ability related needs
Administrators are a supportive resource for ability related needs

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* 14. What can Dartmouth do you be a maximally accessible environment?

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* 15. What other thoughts do you have on access and ability at Dartmouth and in general?