1. Mrs. Weber's Teacher Evaluation

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20% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Teacher Evaluation

  Never Sometimes Almost all the time All the time Doesn't apply to my class
Knowledge of subject--she knows what she is talking about.
Class control--students listen to her and respect her.
Class is fun--I look forward to coming to this class.
Responsive to questions--I can always ask questions. She is helpful.
Enough time is left for me to complete my assignments.
Explanation of new material is clear.
I can share my academic problems and concerns with my teacher.
My teacher respects me.
I respect my teacher.
I feel like I can talk to my teacher about personal issues, if I have any.
My teacher cares if I participate in class.
My teacher often lets me know how I am doing in her class.
My teacher knows my interests outside of school.
My teacher knows what I love to do outside of school.
My teacher knows my academic interests and goals.
My teacher is enthusiastic about what she teaches.
My classmates encourage me to do my best and they help me when I need it or they would if I needed it.
I encourage and help others in my class.
My teacher is always trying new things.
My ideas are important to my teacher when she plans her lessons.