1. Introduction

In 2008 the world economy and in particular the property market tipped over. Against this backdrop we framed the questions in this year's survey. In what is a fairly wide ranging survey, we want to find out how legal firms have adapted to the "new normal" vis-a-vis their relationship with estate agents, financial institutions and clients. For good measure we have kept some of the more popular conveyancing questions from previous years.

Survey Notes
  • Please answer as accurately as possible and as many questions as possible.
  • You may navigate between questions using the "Prev" and "Next" buttons.
  • Remember once you are complete you have to click the "Finish" button on the last page to save your responses otherwise they will be lost.
  • All amounts must be entered as a whole number eg. 120 - no cents or percentage symbols are necessary or will be accepted.
10% of survey complete.