Question Title

* 1. Which gym do you attend most frequently?

Question Title

* 2. On average, how frequently have you attended classes over the past 6 weeks?

Question Title

* 3. Listed below are several ways that athletes prepare for workouts, monitor their progress, and can improve their experience at TJ's Gym. Choose the answer that best describes the frequency with which you do each of the following.

  Never/Rarely Sometimes Usually Daily
I keep track of my workouts including times, weights, repetitions, and perceived exertion.
I check the blog the night before to see the workout.
I participate on the discussion board by posting my workout results and or comments about other members posts.
I read the discussion board, however I do not post
I check the TJ's Gym Facebook page.

Question Title

* 4. When choosing which class to attend, rate each of the following in order of importance.

  Most important Very important Somewhat important A little important Least important
Class Schedule
Class Size
Gym Atmosphere

Question Title

* 5. Do you plan to compete in the TJ's Games?

  Yes No
Pick one

Question Title

* 6. To what extent are you satisfied with the variety of workouts?

  Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied
Types of Movement
Types of Workout (Timed, AMRAP, Strength, etc.)

Question Title

* 7. How satisfied are you with your improvement in each of the following areas?

  Very dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Very satisfied
Skills (DUs, weightlifting technique, kipping pull-ups, etc)
Conditioning (Met-Con)
Aesthetic (How my body looks)
Emotional/Mental Well-Being

Question Title

* 8. Using the scale provided, describe your experiences at TJ's gym

  Not at all Somewhat Quite Very

Question Title

* 9. How frequently were you provided with education on the following topics by your coach(es)?

  Never Monthly Weekly Daily
Science behind CrossFit

Question Title

* 10. How could we improve your experience at TJ's Gym?