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* 1. Please provide your name.

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* 2. Name some reasons why it makes sense for KISD to train and embrace local ministers as school-based crisis reponse team members. Include information contained within the presentation and your own thoughts/perspectives.

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* 3. What are the phases of of KISD's Crisis Response model?

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* 4. Identify the three primary components that comprise phase 2 of KISD's Crisis Response plan. Include brief descriptions of each component.

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* 5. Why should KISD crisis responders exercise caution with regards to interaction with any media outlet?

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* 6. What percentage of New York citizens, when queried by the Red Cross, responded that they were "most likely" even just "likely" to contact a religious or spiritual leader for guidance rather than a counselor or psychologist?

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* 7. When deciding when to integrate or visit religion and/or spirituality within the context of school-based crisis response, responders should always consider the following student factor(s).

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* 8. A KISD Ministerial Alliance Crisis Response team members should always refer students to appropriate campus counselors, administrators or school psychologists when they are displaying which of the following behaviors?