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* 1. Is your memory worse than it was 10 years ago?

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* 2. Are there people in your life who are more impulsive and/or less thoughtful than they used to be?

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* 3. Is your attention span shorter than it used to be?

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* 4. Do you experience any of these on a regular basis? Sad mood, trouble sleeping, feeling hopeless, helpless or worthless, low energy social isolation, or foggy thinking?

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* 5. In terms of how much you currently weigh, are you ok in this are or do you have some work to do?

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* 6. Are you more tired than you used to be- to the point where you basically cannot function without coffee or some other stimulant?

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* 7. Is your libido meaningfully lower than it used to be, or do you know someone with erectile dysfunction?

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* 8. Do you get less than 7 hours of sleep on average?

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* 9. Are you happy with the way your skin looks? Do you feel as if you are aging in a graceful way?

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* 10. If you have answered yes to several of these questions, do you feel as if you are "stuck" with them, or do you feel as if there is some "hope" even if you have a way to go?

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* 11. Do you have any questions that we can answer in a webinar with brain expert, Dr. Daniel Amen?