Finance & Accounting Learning Intentions

Please use the traffic lights to indicate how well you understand the following learning outcomes.

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 2. How well do you understand the following?

  I don't know where to start. I am having some trouble with this. I need a little more work. I am confident about this.
What Gross Profit is
How to calculate the Gross Profit Ratio
What Net Profit is
How to calculate the Net Profit Ratio
How to compare ratios with industry averages
What the Return on Investment is
How to calculate the Return on Investment Ratio
How to increase revenues to increase profitability
How to decrease costs to increase profitability
The concept of liquidity
What the Current Ratio is and measures
How to calculate the Current Ratio
What the acceptable minimum Current Ratio is
How to improve the Current Ratio
The concept of gearing
The concept of financial stability
What the Gearing Ratio is and measures
How to calculate the Gearing Ratio
What the acceptable minimum Gearing Ratio is
How to improve the Current Ratio
Why businesses aim to have some level of gearing
How gearing increases profits
How gearing increases the risk and financial stability of a business