Thank you for filling out this brief survey regarding Social Media Policies in libraries, please answer all applicable questions. Your responses will help the State Library provide helpful resources and support to other Ohio libraries regarding Social Media Policy creation and usage.

This survey is about social media policies within the library. These include policies regarding staff use of library social media accounts, staff use of personal accounts and patron interaction with library accounts. If your library does not have a separate policy regarding social media or if policies regarding social media behavior are discussed in other areas of your library's policies and procedures please note it in the survey.

If you are a library official and your library is willing to share it's social media policy with other libraries, please contact Katrina Miday, (Information identifying an individual library can be removed before sharing upon request.)

Question Title

* 1. Does your library have a Social Media Policy? This includes policies regarding staff use of social media (library accounts or personal), and/or public use and interaction with library social media.