Information about your participation in our survey of tourists to the Northern Territory Outback

Aim of the Project
This project aims to improve understanding about the flows of self-drive tourists in the Northern Territory. Drive tourism is important to the economy in outback Australia so research on visitor’s characteristics, itineraries, motivations and activities on their journeys is needed.

Benefits of this project
This project will give Tourism Northern Territory an overview of the main issues related to drive tourism in the Outback The report will allow the Tourism Northern Territory (and Government more broadly), tourism businesses and service providers to use the results for the planning of a sustainable long term tourism industry and provide visitors with the experiences and facilities they are seeking.

Why have I been selected to participate?
We are conducting surveys with visitors to the Northern Territory who are travelling or have previously travelled by motorised vehicle primarily for leisure purposes and are willing to share their opinions and experiences about their trips and their trip activities.

What participation involves:
We are asking you to complete a short survey of no more than 10 minutes about your trip(s) to the Northern Territory Outback. Questions are around the themes of what motivates you, who you travelled with, how you planned the trip and what problems you encounter(ed) in your travels. The survey can be completed online (URL to be provided), by interview with a researcher or by completing it yourself. Some participants will be also asked if they are willing to be interviewed and a further date, time and place will be agreed upon.

Are there any risks associated with participation in this study?:
There are no foreseeable risks involved with participating in this study. We only want to hear about your experiences and opinions.

The surveys will be done anonymously and therefore you will not be identifiable. No individuals will be identified in any reports which come from this study.

Results of this study
Results will be published in aggregated form in a publically available research brief, a report to Tourism Northern Territory and in academic reports.

Consenting to participate
By clicking to the next page or completing the form you are consenting to participate in this study.

If you have any questions about the interview or what is expected of you, please contact the researcher, Luis Pereira on 08 8946 7063 or This research is conducted following approval by the Charles Darwin University Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any questions or concerns that you do not want to direct to the researcher, please contact the Executive Officer on (08)89466923, on the toll free number, 1800 466 215 or by email,