Introduction: Placebo Tester Sign Up

Thank you for your willingness to act as a tester for the Banjo placebo.

Please note the restrictions:

- You must be a US resident.
- You must be at least 18 years of age.
- You must not be pregnant or breast-feeding.

As a placebo tester you will be sent a single lozenge that is either a Banjo lozenge (active) or a placebo lozenge (no active ingredients.) You will not know which type of lozenge you are receiving.

If you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients in Banjo, please do not continue. You can view the label here:

The placebo lozenge contains artificial flavors that are used to replicate the taste of the active Banjo lozenge. All of the artificial favors are those commonly used in food (and approved by the FDA.)

Both the active Banjo lozenge and the placebo are manufactured in an FDA licensed facility in New Hampshire, USA. (PJ Noyes:

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