1. States in Action Survey

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* 1. What type of organization do you work for?

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* 2. What state do you represent?

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* 3. Overall, how useful do you find the information provided in this newsletter?

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* 4. Which sections provide the most value to you? Please check up to 2 choices.

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* 5. Which topic areas are of greatest current interest to you? Please select up to 5.

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* 6. How can we make this newsletter more useful for you?

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* 7. What kind of information would be most valuable to you that you are not currently getting from other sources?

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* 8. We’re always looking for examples of state health innovations. Please let us know about promising initiatives or programs, and provide a contact name, e-mail address, and/or phone number if possible.

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* 9. Please add any additional comments / suggestions you have for the newsletter.