
Thank you for attending the recent NCompass Live online session. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Title: Communication--Getting the word out: Does your audience hear what you mean?

Description: The library has a lot to offer, as a provider of information and entertainment, and as a partner in the cultural, economic, and civic life of the community. But it can be difficult to compose the message and to find channels to deliver it that will make sure that the message gets through. This session includes suggestions and techniques for improving communications with the community.

Question Title

* 1. To what extent was the content of the session what you expected based on the title of the session?

Question Title

* 2. To what extent was the content of the session what you expected based on the description of the session?

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* 3. Please rate your overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the content of this NCompass Live session.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate your overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the presentation of this NCompass Live session.