1. Introduction to the DWQ Survey

What is the purpose of this study?
The Division of Water Quality Web site has recently been updated and we want to verify that it is designed well and is easy to use by the public. Also, we want to make sure that the website includes information that the public is seeking.

What will happen if you take part in the study?
If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to fill out a survey about the DWQ website that will take no longer than 5-10 minutes.

There are no risks associated with this study.

We will take all survey results into consideration as the DWQ website is evaluated for its effectiveness and efficiency. Results will help us to make improvements to the website.

The information in the study records will be kept confidential. Surveys will not be linked to users of IP addresses. Data will be stored securely in a password protected laptop. All participants will be kept anonymous.

We encourage your participation in order to improve our Website. However, participants will not be compensated.

What if you have questions about this study?
If you have questions at any time about the study or the procedures, you may contact the researcher, Jamie Buning, at 919-656-5261 or Sarah Young at 252-943-5289.

What if you have questions about your rights as a research participant?
If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in this form, or your rights as a participant in this research have been violated during the course of this project, you may contact Deb Paxton, Regulatory Compliance Administrator, Box 7514, NCSU Campus (919/515-4514).

Question Title

1. Please indicate if you agree to participate in the survey by checking "Yes."