1. Your Local Budget - You Decide 2013

The Royal Borough has set aside £225,000 of 2013/14 capital funding and it's over to you as local residents to decide how this money should be spent in the annual Your Local Budget consultation.

This is your chance to have a direct say in the projects or schemes that you think should be a priority.

There are two opportunities to vote:

1. How £100,000 should be spent on projects or services that will benefit people across the entire borough.

2. How funds should be spent in an area where you live or work:
£50,000 in Maidenhead
£50,000 in Windsor
£25,000 in Ascot & the Sunnings
Or you may think we shouldn't spend this money at all.

In the past three years your votes have meant that almost £1m has been spent on your chosen priorities. Make sure you join in the 2013 consultation NOW.

This is money from the Council's capital budget which means it can be used for one-off projects that are important to you, your family, your community and your quality of life.

The closing date for your response is Friday 6 September 2013.