This is a short survey to look at how you value third-party content (content not created by you) for use in your own 3d environments or projects. We're trying to understand both why you would and why you wouldn't use third-party content in one of your projects. Even if you have no plans to ever use third-party content in your projects, we'd still like to hear from you.

When we refer to "third-party content" we generally refer to anything that might be used in a 3D environment or project and specifically with a 3D rendering, animation and modelling tool. This is not a survey of what CAD formats you might want.

We're going to ask you 3 questions about your work/role and then no more than 8 questions about content. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes of your time. Thanks in advance for contributing.

Question Title

* 1. How do you generally categorize your work?