
Thank you for contributing to this survey, which is being conducted by UNEP-WCMC and AEA for a project developing UK indicators for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. It has been commissioned by the UK Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

In this survey, we are asking respondents to contribute information on existing indicators or reliable and robust data sets that may be suitable for UK climate change adaptation indicators. The survey results will complement the scoping exercise undertaken as the first step in this project, which reviewed and synthesised the metadata used in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. Survey results will also be used to inform discussions in an upcoming workshop being convened by UNEP-WCMC and AEA, which will explore options for indicator development and produce a series of technical papers for the UK Biodiversity Indicators Steering Group.

Survey Practicalities
The survey must be completed in a single session – i.e. it is not possible for respondents to save partially completed surveys and return at a later date. It is, therefore, suggested that respondents may like to preview survey questions and prepare required information in advance before entering data.

It is also important to note that answers, whether partially completed or fully completed, will only be saved if the respondent clicks on the ‘next page’ button.

Once completed and finalised respondents can officially submit their completed survey. The survey should take 10-15 minutes in total to complete.

The project team may wish to contact respondents by telephone or email to obtain further information. For this purpose, we kindly ask you to indicate whether you would be interested in participating further in the project and to provide your contact details.

The final date for completion of the survey is 01 June 2012.

Thank you very much for contributing your time and knowledge.

Mike Harley
Principal Consultant: Climate Change & Biodiversity, AEA